Can You Use Windex to Clean a Car

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Bottle of Windex

Windex is a very helpful cleaner.

It does a great job of making glass shine again, and it is a lifesaver when it comes to giving you proper visibility when driving your vehicle.

With how effective Windex is at cleaning glass, many people try to use it on other surfaces as well.

Have you ever been cleaning your car and wondered if you can touch up a few dirty spots on the hood by using Windex?

If you have, then you are in the right place.

We will answer all your questions about where you can use Windex and where you shouldn't.

Can You Use Windex on Car Paint?

car clean with microfiber

Do not use Windex on car paint.

Windex is much too harsh to use on the paint of your car, and it could cause some significant damage.

When you clean glass with Windex, you will notice that it essentially strips the glass of any dirt, grime, or streaks.

This is partly what tempts people to use it on the car paint as well.

Glass is much stronger than your car's paint.

Car paint has a finish on it to help it stay shiny and protect the actual body of the car.

When you use Windex on this finish, it will eventually strip it away.

When that happens, you may start to notice areas of paint that are chipping or falling completely off.

This is undoubtedly a problem and one that needs to be stopped before it starts.

You should be very careful about any cleaning materials or chemicals you use on your car.

Unfortunately, using the wrong thing, one time, could be a very costly mistake.

What Household Items Can You Use to Clean Your Car?

Worried woman spread hands

Since Windex strikes out as a car cleaner, there are some other options you have around the house that can work.

Cleaning your car should not take a bunch of expensive chemicals.

You probably have everything you need in your home already.

Here are a few of the best choices when the exterior of your car needs a good cleaning.

1. Dawn Dish Soap

dawn dish soap

Dawn dish soap is probably the best exterior car paint cleaner there is.

This soap is very mild when it comes to doing any damage to your car, but it does a great job of removing dirt and grime from the exterior of the vehicle.

When you use Dawn dish soap to clean your car, simply put some in a bucket and fill the bucket with water.

You don't need to use a lot of this soap because, otherwise, you will have a bucket full of bubbles.

Dawn dish soap costs much less money than traditional car soap, and you can also use it to clean your dishes, of course.

Most car owners are delighted with the job that Dawn does on their car's exterior paint.

2. Vinegar

white vinegar

Vinegar is kind of a universal cleaner.

If you can stand the strong smell of this powerful natural cleaner, you will see quite a bit of benefit from using it.

With vinegar, you should mix three parts water to one part vinegar and put it in a small spray bottle.

You can use the vinegar on your windshield, and you can also use it to clean the seats in your car if there is a stain or some odor as well.

Do not spray the vinegar on your car's paint as it is not an excellent mix for cleaning the exterior of the vehicle.

3. Cornstarch


Cornstarch and water is an excellent mix for cleaning your car windows.

You can mix a cup of cornstarch to eight cups of water and end up with a container full of excellent window cleaner.

Put this mixture in a spray bottle, spray the windows down and then wipe down with a clean cloth.

We personally find this to be a better solution than Windex for taking care of your windows.

4. Toothpaste


Toothpaste can be an excellent solution for foggy headlights.

If your headlights start to fog up a bit more than you would like, simply scrub some toothpaste on the light.

When you wipe off the excess, your headlights will have become much clearer.

5. Baking Soda


Baking soda is a simple and easy way to clean the mats in your car.

All you need to do for this trick is to take the mats out of your car and spread dry baking soda on the mat.

When you are finished, you can vacuum up the baking soda, and the mats will smell much better than when you started out.

Baking soda is a natural non-abrasive cleaner, so it will not stain or hurt the integrity of the mats in any way.

If your car has a smell to it, and you are not sure what it is, the baking soda idea can get things back to normal.


Anytime you decide to apply something to the paint on your car, you must think before acting.

The paint on a car is not the strongest, most durable part of a car.

Over time, paint will wear off, and you will potentially need to have your car repainted.

To prolong the life of the paint from now until then, you need to be very careful as to how you treat it.

Don't overcomplicate things when it comes to washing a car.

A little dish soap and a bucket of water will get the job done.

Can You Use Windex to Clean a Car


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