How to Lower My Mortgage Interest Rate Without Refinancing

Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?


Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?

I am considering refinancing, but I am not really too sure yet. Is there any way that I could call my current lender and just negotiate a lower interest rate with them? This way I could possibly avoid all of the closing costs, etc that are associated with refinancing. Has anyone had any luck with this?

Answer : I would recommend you to visit this site where one can get from different companies: .

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Where can i get a loan with past collection problems?
me and my husband have fair/good credit scores, but he has a judgement(paid off 2 months ago-from his college)and a couple things in collection(also paid off a couple months ago) on his credit history. i do not make enough to get a loan by myself so that's not an option. are there any lenders who could help us without charging us an outrageous interest rate? and is having those issues on his credit report going to scare lenders off- how long should we wait to apply for a loan, even though they are all paid off? sorry, i know that was like 5 questions in one, but we just don't know where to go from here. we tried to get a loan a couple months ago, but they pretty much wouldn't even deal with us because of my husbands judgement. but now it's all paid and everything, so where do we start now???""
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My mother filed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Feb. 2002, She wants to file Bankruptcy again and I believe back in '02 it was that you couldn't file Bankruptcy for about 6 years, and which in this case it's been 6 years. But laws changed in 2005, does that effect my mother or no? Also, what chapter would she be able to file Bankruptcy in? Thanks!""
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""Should I file for bankruptcy, or is there another option?""
I am 26. I have a total of about $10,000 in credit card debt spread between 3 cards (all maxed on their limits). I make about $900 a month after taxes. The only property I own is a car which is only worth about $1000, and that's completely payed for. After figuring out all of my expenses, including the minimum card payments, I end up with about $50 a month, which somehow needs to be enough to get gas and groceries for the month. So obviously I can't financially keep going like this. Any suggestions?""
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Will I get the tax rebate if I filed for bankruptcy last year (2007)?
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Ameri Credit can i negotiate my payoff amount ? Auto Loan…?
im having fanacial problems paying my car now i till have to years to go. i own 10,000 on my auto> is their a way i can negotiate the amounthe that i still own with them? so i can pay it off and keep it… if not what are other options can i do in this case i dont want to loose my car.. please help thanks""
""What are my"""" chances of getting a home loan after bankruptcy?""""""
Thanks Katrina, that sounds reasonable, and is also a REAL answer, haha. Nice to know there are some HUMANS answering these and not just bot programs sending out a million scam messages a day. I am going to try try try to beat this 2 year minimum you are referring to. I think we have a shot. At the time, we will have about $100,000 in collateral, and our debt to income ration will be incredibly in our favor. We both own our cars with no balance, we have no credit card debt (obviously), and my wife only has 200 a month in student loans. Not to mention, we TAKE HOME over $6,000 a month after taxes.""
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"Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?

I am considering refinancing, but I am not really too sure yet. Is there any way that I could call my current lender and just negotiate a lower interest rate with them? This way I could possibly avoid all of the closing costs, etc that are associated with refinancing. Has anyone had any luck with this?

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""What's my credit score, roughly?""
I looked at my free credit report, but they want 6 to give me my actual score and I'm not paying that unless I have to. On my report are two current accounts with no overdraft and two utilities accounts with no late payments (rated 'satisfactory'). That's pretty much it. I've never had any credit cards or loans. I'm 30. Is my credit score going to be good or bad? Can I improve it? Do I need to?""
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Auto loan??
OK, i'm getting VERY discouraged!! I need some help! I'm applying for an auto loan, my first and i cant seem to get approved! I bought my first home last year with my fiance and its dragging me down (creditwise), They wont approve me because applying by myself somehow make me responsible for the entire house payment…. I would have my other half co-sign but his score is really bad and he has bad payment history… What should i do? My grandma said to try buying a brand new car cause they get anyone into them?! I dont know!!!!! Help!!""
I have no credit and need a loan of 2500.00 any help is appreciated?

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Looking for something free and secure.
How to take off bankruptcy on my name?
I tried to open a bank account today but was decline because the bank found Banckruptcy Information registered on my name. I havent filed for bankruptcy but I am on IVA. Can I take this out on my name and are there any banks that I can open an account. thanks
What companies issues small business loan with a bankruptcy over three years on their credit report?

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Your card company quotes you 17.9% rate. Interest billed monthly. What is actual rate of interest you pay?
the answer choices are: A. 19.72 percent B. 19.44 percent C. 19.57 percent D. 19.21 percent E. 19.03 percent
Do auto loans have to be above $5000?
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Payday loans?
has anyone ever received money from a payday loan advertised on the internet, usually says up to $1500.00 . I was wondering if it is real and safe. I'm a single mom in need of a loan with not so good credit, I can't afford to get burned. thanks. tina.""
Is Annual Credit report .com a safe website to check credit?
I want to know how my credit looks and was wondering if this was a safe site to use. I'm not really sure if it's safe. it looks a little shady but I might be wrong. Personal experience greatly appreciated!
Best way to improve credit rating without an auto loan?
I will say I hate dealers haven't had an auto loan in 25 yrs. My problem is that my credit is not bad but its not good either, I don't have established credit I'm trying to save for a house thought maybe trading in my small suv for newer vehicle thought maybe a loan would help me get back on track. My problem is that the dealer is trying to put me in something that i can't afford 340 month 18% interest…i dont think so. Thought about it today im keeping my truck thats paid for just wondering what other ways i can improve my credit. Thanks.""
What will a bank ask in an employment verification process?
In terms of a mortgage loan, what will the bank call to verify? They can't ask how much the salary is, can they? I was thinking it would consist of Job Title and duties & Length of employment. Can anyone elaborate on this in detail?""
Can someone keep work equipment in a chapter 7 bankruptcy in the state of New York?
There is a utility trailer and some lawn equipment that is needed to keep the business going, would that be liquidated in chapter 7 or is work equipment safe? Chapter 13 plan is no longer feasible and there is consideration to convert to 7 but the work equipment must be preserved. Please let me know specific to New York State, because NY is always different"""".""""""
I'm Thinks about Filing Bankruptcy?
I'm forced to file bankruptcy since i've been out of work for 10+ months and I'm runnning out of money. I'm going to keep the car because I'm current. I have two other credit sources. One personal loan with a HIGH balance that I will claim and one credit card with a VERY LOW balance, that I can continue to make payments. Question — will filing a BK screw up the other credit card if I'm current on payments but have a balance? Will they possibly increase my APR because I filed? I don't want to screw it all up since this was not entirely my fault. I can't find work. Your advice is greatly appreciated.""
Can you file for bankruptcy for hospital debts?

How much does a small used auto loan impact my credit?
I am about to buy a 2003 Honda Civic from my uncle for approximately $10,000. I had intentions of putting down 5,000 or 6,500 dollars (depending on what I sell my current car for) and take out a small auto loan for the remaing 3,500 or 5,000 for about 36 months. The rates I am finding are not as good as I would have hoped, through no fault of my own. I am 24 and haven't done anything that would have given me bad credit. I pay back all my bills and whatnot. Am I better off just buying the car outright (I can afford it) or taking out a loan for the sake of taking out a loan. I've heard a few times that a small loan really helps your credit.""
"Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?

I am considering refinancing, but I am not really too sure yet. Is there any way that I could call my current lender and just negotiate a lower interest rate with them? This way I could possibly avoid all of the closing costs, etc that are associated with refinancing. Has anyone had any luck with this?

What can I keep in bankruptcy? Chapter 7?
What can I keep in bankruptcy? Chapter 7? I am thinking about filing for bankruptcy in New Mexico. I have a house and 2 cars in my name. Would I be allowed to keep both cars or just one and the house in Chapter 7?
""I paid $7000 of interest the last year on my mortgage, how much will I get back on my tax returns?

Harassment by ICICI Bank for repayment of employee loan?
I am an ex employee of ICICI Bank, as an employee benefit ICICI Bank provide loan upto 5 lac at 2% interest rate for which they deduct Rs. 5000/- as EMI from salary with a clause that if you leave before 3 years then you will be charged 20% interest rate. I have taken a load of 5 lac rupees in November 2007 for my sisters marriage which I have planned to pay while working with ICICI Bank but unfortunately after working there for 11 months they did a reference check(Rescission layoff) in which they found out that my previous employment duration was incorrect for which I have already written apology letter but they terminated me on August 2008 and asked me to immediately pay the entire amount remaining 4.64 lac along with 20 % interest charges. Since I was terminated and because of recession I remain unemployed for 1.5 yrs and failed to repay the loan amount. I got mentally & financially crashed, career and family life got ruined. I have even written mails to Head HR of ICICI Bank Mr Ram Kumar, requesting him to consider my financial condition and allow me to repay on EMI and waiver of interest amount but no one reverted to my mails. Six months back I got a job with a very meagre salary through which I am surviving my family. Now after almost 2 yrs they have given this matter to a recovery agent and that person is harassing me by threatening calls and visiting to my house to threaten me and my wife. They are even threatening me to inform my current employer where I am working as a fresher. I dont have any property to sell or any other mean to repay the amount. I have requested ICICI bank recovery dept. to consider my case and help me by settling the loan but they are rigid on their decision of full principal repayment along with interest for 2 years. I know I had done few mistakes and had suffered a lot because of them but please help me by suggesting any way out and what could be the consequences of not paying employee loan. Its a matter of life & death.""
Have you ever heard of the loan company Rate Genius?
My husband and I have been thinking of refiniancing our autoloan for our 2006 Mazda Tribute. We are financed with Mazda American Credit at 8.5% interest. We bought it new almost two years ago this May. The reason isn't so much the payments every month — we can make them just fine — but rather it is the interest. We went to and got quotes from 4 different companies — 1 was Capital One Auto Finance and the other three were companies we have never heard of: First Again LLC, Bank of Internet, and Rate Genius. They all had similar quotes ranging from 6.99% (Bank of Internet) to 7.99% (Capital One). However, I keep getting calls from Rate Genius saying they can lower my interest rate to 5.95%. I have good credit, but this sounds like one of those offers that are too good to be true. The main issue I have is that I have never heard of this company and I don't know if they are rebutable. Does anyone know anything about them? Thanks~""
How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?
I have a credit card and forgot wha tthe APR was, THe balance is 3729 with a limit of 7000. the minimum payment is 108. Can anyone help me out?""
Payday loan?
found a payday loan few weeks back and cant remember the website now….its for the uk, payday loan and when inserting details you need to type in either driving licence or passport id must be valid. do u know the name of the site, thanks""
I filed for bankruptcy?
I filed for bankruptcy last month. I go to court in July. TRUST me I am NOT proud of this!! Anyways my lawyer sent out the notices to the creditors and medical places, and they stopped calling, but I am still getting notices in the mail. Are they allowed to keep sending notices? I thought they were supposed to stop it all?""
Can i get a fha loan even though my non-borrowing spouse files for bankruptcy in california?

Does Gamestop still sell Gameboy Advance SP?
I want one sooo bad! And I can't buy it online because my mom says I am going to get ripped off or something! And I really want one because I like how its simple and small. Plus I can't afford those DsI things…. Any stores that sell them for a cheap price? And in good condition.
Which website for free credit report? Please show me. Thanks?


Has anyone had an approved homestudy with a recent bankruptcy?
we are seeking to adopt from foster care. from the listing of children who have no parent due to the parent rights being terminated. they are considered wards of the state. usually they have been in foster care a long time and are usually classified as a special needs child.(however, special needs could mean just about anything, like being born drug addicted, being over 6 years old or being black. crazy isn't it, but these are the states definitions. ) so we are seriously committed to giving a few of these children a home. HOWEVER……. we do have a previous bankruptcy due to medical bills associated with my health and the stillbirth of our son, as well as a credit card that wouldnt work with us. we used the credit card for a lot of things when my husband was laid off from verizon several years ago. but we are totally budgeted, we are financially sound and only owe for our home mortgage. has anyone had a situation with a homestudy that looked bad but they approved you anyway?""


Consumer Math Help Please?
Your friend wants to pay off his credit card with a balance of $880.00 and an interest rate of 16.65% APR by getting a loan from you. You agree to the loan, but insist your friend pay you interest of 3.25% APR. Your friend agrees. How much interest does your friend save at the end of the first month by paying you instead of the credit card?""
How to get a free credit report if recently denied credit?
I've done it before but I just can't remember how to get a free credit report if i've recently been denied credit.
Can I use a Debit Card online just as a credit card?

Is the a scam?

""425 credit score, what do I do?""
I believe my credit may have been screwed over by another, but alot of my debt is my own. So how do I recover? Do I just file for bankruptcy? Or dispute? And if so how do I do either of them? What are the consequences of bankruptcy?""
How can I get a credit score with out a credit card?
I know my credit is not that good but every time I try to get the score it ask for a credit card and I do not have one so how do I get my credit score
I have really bad credit and noone to help me out so how do i get a loan for 500 dollars?
need 500 dollars but theres noone that can help me is there a place i can go to . i have really bad credit been turned down help
""What does it mean in Monopoly for the bank to mortgage"""" property.?""""

""Financial Planning..What order should I ..go back to school, purchase a house, open a small business?
What type of professional would be able to answer my questions and help with with a road map in terms of the order in which I should accomplish a couple of goals including: 1. Going back to school for my Masters (hope to get at least a partial scholarship but I know I will also need to take out a loan) 2. Buying my first house 3. Opening a small business I know the order is important because getting an additonal loan for ex to go to school may effective how much house I could get and so on. Just wanting some guidance. Thanks!
""With the new bankruptcy laws, when they refer to dates are they referring to discharge dates or filing dates?""
For example, if you filed a chapter 13 in August, 2004 and your final payment was in August, 2009 and you lost your job and are unable to pay your debts and want to file Chapter 7 do you have to wait (based on the 6 year requirement) until 2015 (6 years from the END of the Chapter 13) or can you file in 2010 (6 years from the FILING of the Chapter 13).""
"Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?

I am considering refinancing, but I am not really too sure yet. Is there any way that I could call my current lender and just negotiate a lower interest rate with them? This way I could possibly avoid all of the closing costs, etc that are associated with refinancing. Has anyone had any luck with this?



How do you get a free credit report?

""Best site for bad credit home loans(purchase)?Husband had HeartAttack,I don't work-you do the math-credit sux!""
In response to the last answer I received, I am no idiot…I am an educated person who knows that income is what pays the mortgage.My husband is back to work and making ample money to cover the mortgage we need.Our credit was great until he was out of work for 18 weeks.You try cutting your income to virtually zero and see how you fair.This is a legitimate question in search of a mortgage site to obtain a mortgage we can afford.""
""Bankruptcy question husband only filing, is home equity safe?""
John & Mary are married. They own a home together and both signed for and on the mortgage. The home is worth 200K, they owe 100K, have 100K equity. John loses good job, but Mary can keep the mortgage payments up with her income, plus incidental expenses. John has debt in his name only, unsecured, owes 18K John got a small businees loan (not SBA) for 100K in his name only and purchased a business in his name only for 100K. John has a few other unsecured debts, totaling 8K. John business is failing, he cannot make the payments, there is now not a market for his business to resell, there is little business inventory of value. John wants to file bankruptcy for 130K owed on the unsecured loans only. Mary is concerned that they can come after the equity in the home that they own and owe on jointly. John doesn't think they can do this. They live in Indiana. A side note, the business loan is in the name of a LLC Corp. that John set up, but John also signed as a personal guarantor for this 100K loan. Mary is in no way connected to the business or loan. Nor are there any other partners.""
Where can I check my credit score online?
when i went to use ACR about 2 months ago, as luck would have it.. a lighting storm came and turned the power out, and it said i used it already""
What is a good islamic home loan site in Australia?
these loans are interest free / fee based however western banks are desperate to stop them , how can i get one of these loans ? i know these loans can halve my mortgage. greed is not always good. i am just an australian working class (enslaved) truck driver .""
""Credit card cash advance checks, 0% APR for 6 months?""
I recently in the mail got a bunch of checks from my Visa saying that I can use those checks up to my limit, with 0% APR until January 2008. Does this mean I can cash those checks, say $2000, without paying interest until January 2008?""
""If I put down $10,000 on a new car that is worth $33,640, how much do you think my payment will be a month?""
If it depends on the car, the car is a 2008 lancer evolution gsr""
Which credit score do i use?
I know there are 3 credit score companies. But i live in Philadelphia and i have no idea which credit score is mine where i live any help would be great. and does it matter? thank you so much
Trading a car with a loan to a private seller?
I have a 2011 Focus with a loan for $20,000 and I'm wondering how I would go about trading to someone on craigslist for example for a car around $4–8,000 and some cash?""
Is there a way to check my SSN online? i found this site…..?
I just wanna figure out the whole situation with my last name so i can get my driving permit and so i was wondering if it was possible to check it online w/o being scammed for my SSN and so i found this site,Message.aspx and i wanted to get some opinions first…. o.O""
Can I ask a court 2 remove my bankruptcy after 9 years of being there?
Is it legal? Can it be done? It has been there for 9 years and 5 months. can they do this early? Or do I have to wait the last five months? Only serious replies pls post. All others, pls answer other posts.""
We have decided to file bankruptcy can i buy a used car before doing so?
We have decided that we have to file bankruptcy after i have been out of work due to a medical illness. We had bought a new house before this happened and got so far behind that we have to surrender the house now. I am now back to work and one car isnt working since my husband and I have to travel out of town for work. Is it ok to buy the car before filing Chapter 7?
What happens to my credit if I don't pay my timeshare?
I have a timeshare through Eldorado Resorts. The actual timeshare is at Grandview Resort in Las Vegas. The loan is through Eldorado Resorts. Apparently it's close to impossible to sell a timeshare and I'm not going to pay a company $500 to maybe sell the timeshare. My wife and I are ready to buy a house but we need the extra $300 a month for mortgage that I pay to the timeshare. Our credit is good/great and my timeshare loan does not show on any of my credit reports. Since the timeshare loan doesn't show on our credit reports, if we don't pay it and just let it go into foreclosure, will our credit get nailed? Every other loan we have (car, student, credit cards) show on our credit report. What will happen if we just stop paying the loan?""
""Turning 18 in march, wanting an auto-loan.what to expect?""
I'll be 18 in march, and I want to buy a USED nissan 350z for 9–14 grand. Probably an 03–04 model.. with around 50,000 miles?? So i want a loan, i am looking to pay $300 a month?, and how much would i have to put down? I'm hoping little to none.. Now heres the real info.. My mom WILL cosign for the loan no problem. She delivers mail part time. Makes around $20/HR. about $1600 a month. She has to have decent credit because she took a loan out for her 07 jeep liberty she got last year (2008) for $19,000 i think. and if Need-be, i could also have my step-dad cosign who owns a small trucking company. Not sure on his income, but he actually just bought a 2008 dodge caravan with a 25,000+ loan.. so thats the cosigner(s) I recently joined the army. I willl be a Satellitte Communications System Operator; so i got a decent sign-on bonus ($32,000), but i wont get it until i graduate boot camp (starting in July). Plus I will be making my monthly salary (around $1200/ mnth). What else? hmm.. I'll probably just pay off the rest of the loan when I graduate basic training… and please dont comment about me getting such an expensive car at a young age. or ruining my moms credit.. or how i dont need a car when im joining the army.. My dad owns a an auto-body shop, he'll take care of it while im away.. thanks alot everyone :)""
""What is interest charge on purchases"""" on wells fargo CC statement?""""
I mean I know what interest is but this is a charge directly from Wells Fargo. Why would they charge me for making purchases on top of interest they already take on the balance owed? I've never seen this type of charge until now. Any ideas?
Can I pay my Target Credit Card with Target Gift Cards?
I received quite a few target gift cards and wondered if I could use them to pay on my credit card? I looked on their site but you can only pay by a bank account. TIA! :)
Legally breaking a car loan contract?
I am looking for a way to legally break my car loan contract so i dont have to keep this car i have. Nobody will buy it or refinance it so i just want out of it. Does anyone know of any way to legally break the contract and have the bank take the car back effect to me what so ever? Any info woulf be greatly be appreciated.
How can i check my credit score for free?
i dont want to sign up for any websites i just want to check my credit score not report. how do i do it for free?
Bankruptcy rules…..?
hi, I'm married. I have excellent credit and I pay the majority of the bills. We have 2 sons together. She has another son (not mine) where the dad keeps finding ways to avoid paying child support. Her credit is good but she is not able to get her credit cards down. Is it possible for her to claim bankrupty without hurting my credit to help her with her credit card debt. Or is it not feasible since we are married. We were just wondering what the rules were because if we could wipe out her credit card debt, the financial burden would be considerbaly less. Any advice is appreciated.""
How can i check to see if my or my daughter's SSN has been used?
I was filling out a enrollment form for my work's insurance and had brought it in for their head of HR to answer some questions on it that i wasn't sure about. we had suddenly gotten busy and i had laid it in our work room amongst our general file cabinet that everyone leaves misc papers, whether personal or work related, and everyone usually leaves it all alone. i then found it missing and couldn't find it anywhere and had notified my bosses and coworkers as well as the HR that it was missing in case someone turned it in, which never happened and everyone else has said they didn't know what happened to it. this isn't a room where someone from the public can get to it, it's strictly accessed by employees from my and other departments. i'm hoping against hope it was shredded and thrown out by someone who thought i didn't work there anymore and not having used it or sold it. it had most of my information on it, including my and my daughter's SSN on it. i'm not as worried about mine as my credit is crap thanks to my ex husband, but my 3yo daughter's SS is fresh and the perfect candidate to be used or sold. i've found out all the ways to report if the number is being used, but can't find anywhere on how to CHECK if it is. can anyone help?! i wouldn't have brought in the form and left it if i knew there were untrustworthy people who wouldn't leave it alone for a few hours til i had time for a break to put it in my locker.""
""Overstated income on auto loan application by 9%, can they reneg loan terms?""
I purchased a new Honda Accord through Honda Financial Corporation back in September. I stated my income as being 46000, but I only earn a salary of 40750. They never asked me for a pay stub but when I received my loan package from Honda they asked for my most recent. Now I do earn overtime and I do get a premium 3% added to my wages for transportation expenses, which puts me close to 46000. Can they renegotiate the terms at now 60 days after signing the sales agreement or can I be held liable for overstating my salary? Please advise.""
Used auto loan- difference between bank and credit union?
Are there any big differences between the two?

"Can I lower the interest rate on my mortgage without refinancing?

I am considering refinancing, but I am not really too sure yet. Is there any way that I could call my current lender and just negotiate a lower interest rate with them? This way I could possibly avoid all of the closing costs, etc that are associated with refinancing. Has anyone had any luck with this?

How to Lower My Mortgage Interest Rate Without Refinancing


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