Vegetarian Gm Diet Meal Plan

GM Diet plan is a panacea for all your weight loss needs, and when we say so, it is the most popular low carb diet around the world. The results being astonishing, GM Diet plan for weight loss and body detox is vouched by fitness experts and dietitians alike.

GM's Diet Plan has a rather unconventional history; of being formulated in General Motors Corp in 1987 to combat the weight and health issues faced by its employees. This 7 Day GM Diet is one of a kind, where you actually don't diet in terms of starving but eat wisely.

General Motors Diet is a popular and quick way to lose body fat faster and stay in shape for longer. It works on providing simple nutrients to burn calories than adding further to your body, on a 7-day schedule which would enable weight loss, body detox and giving body cleansing benefits too.

This unique General Motors Diet Plan was exclusively for its employees and their family, to begin with. And it was in conjunction with FDA and USDA guidelines. It was field tested at John Hopkins Research Centre and was then approved for distribution by the board of directors at GM Corp.


  • What is GM Diet: The Scientific Explanation:
  • Overview of the 7 Day GM Diet Plan:
  • Getting Started With GM Diet:
  • How Does the GM Diet Work:
  • Advantages of GM Diet plan:
  • How Effective GM Diet is for Weight Loss:
  • How to Start the GM Detox Diet:
  • How Safe is GM diet:
  • How Good is GM Diet:
  • GM Diet Plan for Vegetarian:
  • GM Diet for Non-Vegetarian:
  • GM Diet Plan Menu for the 7 Days:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 1:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 2:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 3:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 4:
    • What To Eat on GM Diet Day 5:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 6:
    • What To Eat On GM Diet Day 7:
  • Wonder Soup: How to Make GM Diet Soup:
    • GM Diet Soup Recipe:
      • The ingredients include:-
    • GM Diet Wonder Soup Preparation Method:
  • GM Diet Plan Indian Version:
  • Benefits of the GM Diet Weight Loss Plan:
    • Additional Foods That Are Permitted in the 7 Day GM Diet Plan:
    • The Foods that are Not Allowed in GM Diet Plan:
  • GM Diet Plan Chart:
  • What Are The GM Diet Side Effects:

What is GM Diet: The Scientific Explanation:

GM Diet plan for weight loss is endorsed by GM Corp and was intended for the wellness and fitness of its employees. This 7 Day General Motors diet plan aims at reducing around 10-17 pounds and even more in the given week. More benefits in terms total body detox, cleansing of body and mind for peace and relaxation.

This GM Diet plan is known to improve attitude and emotions of an individual too. The psychological constraints of not being able to eat when on a diet are completely thrown away as this diet emphasizes a fixed amount of intake for all of your 4 meals a day. In addition to some tasty and healthy indulgence with all day permit.

There is a scientific explanation to the very popular GM Diet plan; all the foods you consume over a period of 7 days target at burning calories and keeping the energy levels intact.

The reason why most people do it easily is because of its ability to kill the hunger pangs with foods which are not very bland or dry rather tasty and healthy. Most of these 7 days you get to drink the amazing wonder soup, which is more delicious than any other soup anywhere.

There are both Non-Vegetarian GM Diet and Vegetarian GM Diet Plan versions which are both equally popular and efficient. In fact, some people alternate between the two over a period of 2-3 months and see some miraculous results on skin and health too.

Overview of the 7 Day GM Diet Plan:

GM Diet Plan works on a simple principle that you eat only those many calories which will burn down more calories from your body than they add. The fat stored in the body gets removed with this diet plan efficiently and moreover, it makes you feel lighter and relaxed. There have been contradictions about the history of the GM Diet plan and General Motors not accepting the same publicly, and it is still popular as the 7 days GM Diet plan to weight loss.

While reducing the body weight, it also removes the toxins off our body and balances the body functions in effective ways. The diet mostly comprises such foods which will enhance the processes within our system.

The best part about GM Diet Plan is its flexibility in terms people with diverse food restrictions and preferences have their fit in some form or the other in this diet chart. Its main aspect is at least 6-8 glasses of water each day, to promote detoxification and weight loss.

Consuming 6-8 glasses of water makes the body not retain much water as the daily dose of water requirement is met. This diet plan has also benefitted people with some severe ailments like constipation, irritable bowel movement, gastric reflexes and more.

Getting Started With GM Diet:

The most crucial part is a head start, and for beginners, this can be challenging. Not because of the diet but because of the questions like how can I survive on just fruits or vegetables or banana. Well! I have done it over 10 times in past 10 years, and every time I finish it successfully, I feel more and more connect with body and soul. The moment you decide that you are to take up this diet plan, you will need a step by step guide or your handy plan. This will be the GM Diet Chart which will inspire and keep you on the diet.

GM 7 day diet plan requires a lot of ingredients, and it is better to stock up for all 7 Days beforehand. You don't want to miss it at the 6th or 7th day just because the food for those days was not there. GM Diet day one begins with fruits and GM Diet Day 7 ends with fruits, vegetables, and brown rice so keeps the freshness of food also in mind while stocking them up. Your meal plan must be set such that it includes both taste and health, as there are some outstanding tricks to make the daily dose of food tasty and yet not compromise on the GM Diet plan.

One simple advice, "Just trash all the junk food or keep them away" More than just being there they will prompt you to cheat with them. Also, you should not consume alcohol on any of those days, so keep all the hard drinks away too. Also just a day ahead of the planned GM Diet, have a wholesome dinner which keeps you energized for the day 1 of GM Diet Plan. This tip has been a miracle to keep you going for the full 7 days of the GM Diet.

Also, keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least six glasses of water for 3-4 days before beginning the diet, this will further help in weight loss. Once the body accepts GM Diet Plan, it will need more and more water to carry out its daily metabolic functions. Avoid alcohol at least 3-4 days before GM Diet. As alcohol dehydrates the body and prevents the detoxification effects of the GM Diet plan to work.

How Does the GM Diet Work:

Simply it is an equation, you add X number of calories and burn N times X calories, which is what helps you to reduce weight. 7 day GM diet is all about controlled and counted consumption of foods, that would only and only provide your body with fat burning calories. GM 7 day diet works marvelously for those who adhere to the preparation phase well.

    • The mantra for GM Diet works is beginning low with fresh produce of fruits, and these are nature's best ingredients for body balance and functions.
    • The second day begins with a fixed amount of complex carbohydrates with a little oil to restore the body balance and energy. The day proceeds with vegetables which are rich in dietary fiber and practically have no added calories at all
    • The third day is when your body starts burning the extra calories in a large number. The fruits consumed in this day add to the needed calories and vegetables fix your fiber needs.
    • This fourth day is fixed for sodium and potassium balance for body, for all the past days you kept on losing them so now is the time to binge on bananas which are power packed with potassium and added sodium. Your urge to eat sweets is gone by now, and your body is more in tandem with the 7 Day GM Diet Plan. Those who have come till 4th day are sure to continue to the finish.
    • The fifth day is to add on to the iron and proteins requirements in your body. Beef is the food which adds them both, and you also consume tomatoes which are rich in fiber thus aid digestion. All the bowel issues would get resolved by now.
    • The sixth day is like the fifth day. The body gets Iron and proteins from beef, and you also consume vegetables for fiber and vitamins needed by our system. This is the day when you look light and feel having lost a lot of weight already, and the water keeps balancing the system to lose more and more weight further.
  • The last day of GM Diet plan is a more healthier and fuller platter. The system is in control, and you have lost ample weight already, just relax while the body finishes off its detox and cleansing process.

Advantages of GM Diet plan:

While there are several GM Diet plan advantages, but major accomplishment is for the body. You lose the extra weight which was stressful and toxic. In addition, there are several other benefits of the GM Diet plan which include:

    • A step by step weight loss plan which is healthy for the body
    • It does not starve you rather all the meals of the day are fixed, and you practically don't feel hungry also
    • It is a quick fix solution for all those seeking immediate benefits. Rather than the other diet plans which take months to lose half the weight lost here.
    • This diet plan also helps in complete body transformation including body detox, cleansing, relaxation of mind and soul too
    • In addition to weight loss you can see a new refreshing and natural glow on your face, your skin radiance is at its peak, and you feel more and more charged
    • The stress and emotional upheavals are now subsided, and you find peace of mind, body, and heart. It has healing and therapeutic effects on your body too
    • GM Diet plan is easy as it keeps the taste buds pampered all through the 7 days
  • It is simple and easy to proceed with, without any complex ingredients or recipes.

How Effective GM Diet is for Weight Loss:

GM Diet plan has been subjected to multiple criticism time and again but the popularity and effect on the masses have made it the obvious choice for anyone. Though there are some mild to moderate side effects which again are caused if the preparation before day one or any day plan is missed.

Most researchers conclude that GM Diet plan is effective in reducing a large chunk of fat quickly. At least 10 lbs or 4 kilos are lost on the 7-day diet plan. And some have even lost close to 17 pounds in this weeklong diet plan.

This diet plan can further be enriched with a few minutes of exercise in a day from day 4 of the GM Diet plan, which will further reduce the weight. The workouts must not be rigorous, strength training or strenuous. Just simple exercises which help you stay calm and relaxes your muscles too. Keep the water intake up as more and more metabolic activities are enriched with fluids. You also lose more weight when you drink more water and the body stays in health all through the 7 day GM Diet plan .

How to Start the GM Detox Diet:

Plan ahead and keep your foodie distractions away. Begin with preparing the chart for the 7 Day GM Diet ahead and paste it in your kitchen. Stuff your refrigerator with all the ingredients you will need and do not make the wonder soup for all the days to stock or freeze. As the soup needs to be fresh for its benefits in terms of taste and health.

Do not plan the GM diet chart for the days when you have extra work at the office or home. You need to be relaxed and comfortable to proceed without any interruptions. Holidays are definitely not the time as temptations and explanations will deviate you from your goal. Keep your daily schedule also tight. You must not sit idle as the more you sit alone, the more you may get tempted to cheat.

There must be a healthy blend of work, relaxation and finding time for self when you proceed with the GM Diet Plan. GM detox is all-inclusive for body, mind, and soul so keep distractions away.

How Safe is GM diet:

GM Diet is relatively safe and effective if followed with utmost diligence. Don't force feed yourself and don't starve yourself, one at a time and it is the most effective and safe option. People with health conditions must seek medical guidance before opting for this diet plan. There have been multiple queries regarding "is GM Diet safe and what are its side effects", but so far none factually have been true for their claims.

There are some side effects and drawbacks though, which are negligible when compared to its amazing benefits:

    1. GM diet plan is not sustainable as it may lead to deficiencies in some people. Though there have been no such cases but don't think of GM diet as your daily dose. If you do it once then spare yourself another 8-10 days before opting for another round of GM diet
    1. GM diet is not suitable for everyone; pregnant and lactating mothers should never try to begin this, people with heart and gastric issues must seek consultation from their health care provider first
    1. If you don't consume the required dose of water your muscles are bound to get stiff and weak.
    1. There can also be a metabolic slowdown in the first 2-3 days, but if you adhere to the diet you will cover it up well in the coming days.
    1. People may also suffer mild dehydration and slight weakness too in the initial days.
  1. After completing GM diet you must not eat incessantly, as it may cause more weight gain than loss

How Good is GM Diet:

GM Diet is ideal for people looking for instant weight loss, but not finding ample time in their routine. But be sure to add those many glasses of water and workout too, this will keep the momentum going. GM Diet is just beginning, and when you begin losing weight, you feel good and keep up with your journey to health and fitness.

The goodness and results of GM Diet Plan depend on how strictly you followed it and how will you continue to improve your lifestyle further. So more than just the diet it's the person who is responsible for the success of the GM Diet Plan.

In my opinion, GM Diet is for all mothers who have added extra pounds post delivery and are unable to get rid of them yet, for all those workaholics who have a fixed work-life schedule and don't have ample time to spare for diet and fitness, for all who are looking for quick and efficient weight loss without compromising on health and also for those suffering from obesity and not finding the right way to get rid of the pounds accumulated.

GM Diet Plan for Vegetarian:

For vegetarians, the GM Diet plan changes for day 5 and 6 as that's when the beef part is introduced. The first 4-days stay the same for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Vegans can also use this version by substituting the dairy with soy or almond milk. The typical GM Diet Plan states consumption of meat as an important part of the dietary modification, but the vegetarian part is also similar in terms nutrition and weight loss.

Some people also take this vegetarian GM Diet as this is the way to shed all the meat and eggs out of their system, and practice a more healthy lifestyle. Be sure to stop alcohol at least 3-4 days prior to GM Diet plan. GM Diet veg is all about adding the extra proteins in the form of beans or cottage cheese to compensate for the beef.

GM diet vegetarian or vegan also is a better way to prevent side effects as its lighter for your body and does not cause any nutrient gap, same like its original version. GM Diet Veg is for either vegetarian practitioners in the west or Asian population where many follow the vegetarian way of life.

GM Diet for Non-Vegetarian:

Non-vegetarian GM Diet plan is the actual one proposed by GM Corp and has been a successful one so far, all over the world. The GM Diet plan non-veg version is more for western countries where beef is a popular daily food and is relished by people. Beef may not be that popular in the Indian subcontinent, but other non-vegetarian substitutes make this an effective offering.

All the chicken, fish and beef in the later half of GM Diet plan will keep you going, and it is a definite taste and health booster. The day 1 2 3 and 4 stay the same for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian GM Diet versions. Also, the other foods on day 5 6 and 7 also stay same just the source of protein changes.

Non-vegetarians may have less in terms of quantity but more fulfilling choices than the beans and lentil soup consumed by vegetarians. But the non-vegetarian version requires more of water and workout to balance it than the vegetarian version.

GM Diet Menu must be prepared well in advance, to keep the momentum going. This GM Diet plan menu is your day by day progress to total body transformation. So be sure to keep all the necessary ingredients mentioned, water being the significant additive every hour or two. Wonder soup for those taste bud-pampering mid-meal delights must be prepared on the days when the same can be consumed. Do not consume more than 2-3 bowls a day as it can cause bloating. An overview of the 7-day to diet GM menu wise includes just a brief of it all:

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 1:

The GM Diet Day 1 begins with a sweet celebration. Yes! You can consume all the sweet and tangy fruits on this day. The fruits especially the melons to keep you fuller for longer. Avoid banana and eat more melons, oranges, strawberry, and apples. Watermelon and cantaloupe are great and help in quick weight loss. There is no restriction on number or quantity of fruits you can consume but its always better to keep the stomach relaxed with moderation and prepared for the days ahead. Drink a lot of water at least 6-8 glasses in the day

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 2:

The GM Diet Day 2 begins with sweet potato or small baked potato. Over the day you can consume all vegetables including lettuce, tomato, cabbage, onion, kale, artichoke, spinach, broccoli and limit potato to just breakfast. There is no limit to the quantity of vegetables you can consume. These would be your dose of carb for the day to keep you energized for the day and prepared for upcoming plans ahead.

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 3:

The GM Diet Day 3 consists of both fruits and vegetables you ate on day 1 and 2. All these can be consumed now. Just avoid banana and potato. This is the day when your body starts to lose fat in chunks. Complex carbs in fruits help you keep energized and stay focussed too. Choose a salad, boiled vegetables and ample water to keep your body hydrated.

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 4:

The fourth day of GM Diet is little tricky for beginners, but if you get through it, you have conquered it already. The GM Diet Day 4 adds wonder soup too, in your diet plan. But more than that, just bananas and milk can be consumed here. Now you have to restrict yourself to the amount of food intake. 8 medium sized bananas and 3 glasses of skimmed milk must be consumed over the day

What To Eat on GM Diet Day 5:

GM Diet Day 5 is about celebration. This is the feast day for non-vegetarians as 20 oz of any one item from beef, chicken or fish can be consumed in two meals, in addition to 6 tomatoes. Tomato for the fiber to aid digestion and the meat for iron and protein addition in our diet. Vegetarians can replace the meat with cottage cheese or brown rice in addition to tomatoes. Increase the water consumption now by four cups as you need more water to carry out your metabolic activities, and you don't want to feel lethargic.

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 6:

On GM Diet Day 6 you can eat beef and vegetables but no tomatoes. 20 oz of meat in the whole day, and unlimited vegetables except potatoes. Vegetarians can consume cottage cheese instead of meat. Unlimited vegetables to keep you full all day. This is simply the easiest of all, as your body is already set with the diet plan. Keep consuming more and more water

What To Eat On GM Diet Day 7:

Finally, you are on the last day, and your body feels lighter than ever. The GM Diet Day 7 plan adds more of fruits and vegetables to your diet. You can consume fruit juices too (without added sugars) in addition to brown rice and unlimited vegetables. Be sure to add ample water as this last day will play a major role in the longevity of the benefits for skin and weight loss you have experienced by now.

Wonder Soup: How to Make GM Diet Soup:

When you think of a diet plan, the first thing that comes to the mind is tasty and tangy soup. This is a blessing for all the GM Diet aspirants. You can consume this Cabbage Soup or GM Diet Soup any number of times. Low in calories and high in nutrition this is a miracle soup for everyone.

You can consume GM Diet Wonder Soup on all days of the diet plan. There is no restriction on quantity consumed, prepare for the full day and keep warming to eat anytime. Be sure to consume it in moderation as this will cause unnecessary bloating if over-eaten.

GM Diet Soup Recipe:

The Cabbage Soup or Wonder Soup as it is popularly called is a wholesome food offering. Packed with rich vitamins and minerals it is the real inspiration which keeps you going for your GM diet to weight loss. Wonder soup preparation is not at all complex and can be done in under 20 minutes.

The ingredients include:-

    • 1/4 onion
    • 1/4 cabbage
    • 2 small tomatoes
    • 1/2 green peppers
    • celery- 1 stalk
    • Carrot- 1 small
  • Lemon- 1/2 slice for flavor
  • Water as needed
  • Olive oil 1 teaspoon
  • Red Chillies
  • Salt

GM Diet Wonder Soup Preparation Method:

    1. Chop all vegetables and put them aside
    1. Now add olive oil in a pan and heat it
    1. Add onion and fry until golden brown
    1. Add all other chopped vegetables and stir
    1. Add salt and red chilly
    1. Now add water and put on the lid to cook under pressure for 15 minutes
  1. Now keep it to cool down and take in a bowl, add lemon juice and the wonder soup is ready

GM Diet Plan Indian Version:

The Indian version of GM Diet plan is mainly focussed on items of food popular in India. GM Diet Indian is all about vegetarian options in the meal plan. The GM Diet vegetarian Indian options stay same for first 4 days and for 5th day onwards it changes.

On day 5 of GM Diet Plan Indian vegetarian version , you can consume brown rice, tomatoes, and curd. You can also consume Paneer or Indian cottage cheese instead of brown rice or soybean curd. The GM Diet plan Indian version also helps in losing 5-7 kgs of weight by the end of 7 days which is same as the non-veg GM diet plan.

Benefits of the GM Diet Weight Loss Plan:

The 7 day GM Diet benefits are ample, and if you adhere to all the rules, you sure are in for some healthy weight loss. The below benefits have been commonly observed by people who have successfully followed this miracle weight loss program:

    • Weight loss of 10-17 lbs after 7 days
    • Total body detoxification
    • Glowing and radiant skin
    • Peace of mind and relaxation
    • Mood enhancement and an upswing
    • Emotional stability
    • Healthy and nutritious diet enabling body cleansing
    • Aids metabolism and digestion
    • Cures irritable bowel syndrome and constipation
  • Improves self-esteem as you see an altogether different version of self after following it for 7 days

Additional Foods That Are Permitted in the 7 Day GM Diet Plan:

Some additional foods and beverages can also be consumed along with the 7 Days GM Diet meal plan. These can also be substitutes of the foods so stated which are not preferred, but the calories count of substitutes must be the same as original one.

    • Regular Milk Can Be Substituted With Soy Milk,
    • Beef With Cottage Cheese Or Chicken,
    • Green Tea Without Sugar,
    • Black Coffee Without Sugar,
    • Club Soda,
  • Sprouts Around 2 oz Or Nuts Around 1 oz.

Pick any one of these additional foods each day for the mid-meal hunger pangs.

The Foods that are Not Allowed in GM Diet Plan:

The foods that must not be consumed at all if following the GM Diet plan are

    • Alcohol,
    • Tea, Sugary Drinks,
    • Kidney Beans or Pinto Beans,
    • Pasta,
  • White Rice Flour and Other High Carb Foods

GM Diet Plan Chart:

GM diet plan chart must be made and set up at all convenient places in kitchen and living room for your convenience. General Motors 7 day diet chart includes a list of foods you can consume for each meal each of these 7-days beginning from breakfast, lunch, and dinner to mid-meal snacks and wonder soup.

Exercise only after day 4 and do not continue GM Diet plan back to back, give at least a week break. And soon after the GM Diet plan continue high protein and low carb diet for the longevity of weight loss and body detox. Enclosing the General Motors 7 day diet chart:

7 Days GM Diet Chart

What Are The GM Diet Side Effects:

While if adhered to, there are not many side effects seen, but it depends on health status and body condition too. Some of the side effects of GM Diet includes:

    • GM Diet is low in protein so a loss of cell regeneration for the 7 days
    • Makes you feel dehydrated if ample water is not consumed.
    • May cause muscular stiffness and fatigue
    • Some may feel a loss of energy as it's a low-calorie diet
    • It may lower your performance and fitness too
    • The metabolic slowdown may also occur for some
  • If you don't continue planned meal ahead of the GM Diet plan, you may gain more weight than what you have lost

If you are still confused about the GM Diet side effects, visit our article about GM Diet Reviews and pro's and Con's of GM Diet

Vegetarian Gm Diet Meal Plan


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